MiniJudgeJava Help Page
Version 2.0.0 beta - Last updated on September 28, 2011

                                                               Step-by-step manual                                                        More background information


   Set up MiniJudgeJava
        System requirements
        Language setting

        Mail setting
        Server setting
        R setting
   Sentence lists
        Create a new list
                Decide factor names and description
        Make protosets
                Enter prototype items      
        Extra sets
                Input other sets 
                Segment prototype set (optional)
        Other managements
                Edit/Delete existent lists
                Export existent lists
        Add/Edit/Delete experiment
        Run experiment
                Through printed surveys
                Through MiniJudgeJava
                Through MiniJudgeJava's online survey system
       Download surveys (optional)
       Save results (optional)
       Analyze results

Set up MiniJudgeJava

Before starting to use MiniJudgeJava, some steps have to be taken in order to use MiniJudge with its full function. Below is a step-by-step instruction to install programs MiniJudgeJava requires and set up MiniJudge in the way you prefer.

System requirements

MiniJudgeJava requires the installation of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the powerful yet free statistical software R.

MiniJudgeJava is written in Java. To run a Java program, the installation of JRE is necessary. To know if JRE has been installed in the computer in use, go to this page. If it shows that JRE has not been installed, go to this page to download JRE. It is totally free, but be cautious that it installs a search engine tool bar with JRE in default, uncheck this to avoid the tool bar from being installed.

MiniJudgeJava lets R do all the statistics. If you want MiniJudgeJava to analyze the experimental results for you, this is a software you must have. To install R, please go to this page. The installation should be straightforward, but in case anyone needs, here is an installation guideline.

If  JRE and R are successfully installed, you may now open MiniJudgeJava and go to "Preferences" page.

Language setting

MiniJudgeJava now offers two language options, English (United States) and Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). Choose the language you prefer in "Language Setting". Note that if you change the language, MiniJudgeJava will require you to restart the program to apply for the change. If anyone is interested in helping translate MiniJudgeJava into other languages, please contact us.

Mail settings

MiniJudgeJava provides the function of distributing judgment surveys to speakers through e-mail. To use this function, you have to provide their account information to MiniJudgeJava's built-in mailing client. These information are usually availible in the webpage of e-mail service providers (e.g. Gmail). Below uses Gmail as an example.


The content of e-mail should be typed in the area below "Mail Content Template". It should include a link to the on-line survey page, represented as "$link". Each link is assigned to a speaker through this link. There should also be a brief description of the experiment to the speakers, so that they won't consider these e-mails as spams or feel bothered.

Server settings

If you want generate surveys and invite speakers to finish these surveys online, you have to specify the link in "Server setting" and let MiniJudgeJava connect to the server. The server is located at: Please copy and paste to the area for server URL.

R settings

Two directories in R settings have to be set, one is the location of  R.exe, the core of R, the other is the location where they want to save result files. R.exe is usually in the "bin" folder under "R-x.x.x" folder ("x"s indicate digits of version number).  The result files can be put in whichever folder users prefer. The directory of result folder has a default setting at C:\, while the directory of R.exe has no default setting. Users must set its directory before running statistical analysis on MiniJudge.

Also, users can optionally choose the statistical model with which they want to analyze their experimental results. MiniJudgeJava now offers two kinds of statisical anlayses for users to choose, both of which are logistic mixed-effect regression models (see here for more information). The difference between them is that the one testing for satiation factors out nuisance caused by presentation order in addition to the intended factors, while the other only includes the factor(s) users intend to test. To choose the analysis including presentation order, check "test for satiation", otherwise leave it unchecked.

If users want to run a different analysis through R with MiniJudgeJava, they can load their own R commands to MiniJudgeJava by click on Set. An alternative option is that users modify the R commands (test for satiation/no test for satiation) of analyses avaliable in MiniJudgeJava.

If everything is set, Users may click Apply to save and validate the setting. Note that some changes are only applicable after users restart the program. If the setting is successfully applied, please go to Sentence lists page.

Sentence lists

MiniJudgeJava has a separate page listing all of the sentence lists avaliable. In this page, users are allowed to create a new sentence list, edit or delete the existent sentence lists and export sentence lists if users want to save them elsewhere for other purpose. 

A sentence list in MiniJudgeJava means a collection of sentences designed for a specific purpose. In this page, users are able to find out some information about a specific sentence list (e.g. name of factors, number of sentences, and a short description on what this list of sentences is about).

Note that in MiniJudgeJava, different sentence lists represent different experiments, but not vice versa., since there may be differences in other parameters (e.g. task/participant-related parameters) that make two experiments different. 


Create a new list

To start from scratch, click "Add a new list" to create a new sentence list.

Decide factors and description

To help isolate interesting factors from nuisance factors, MiniJudgeJava generates sets of items in accordance with a factorial design. To make this process as simple as possible, item sets are generated based on a "prototype set", similar to the example sets cited in syntax papers.

Name one or two binary factors, representing the syntactic, lexical, or other variables differentiating the sentences in your sets. You have to enter your own factor name(s) according to your research topic. You can choose factors that you predict to be directly relevant to grammar (e.g. "AdjunctExtract" in an experiment on adjunct islands), but you may also include a performance factor (e.g., "CenterEmbed" for center-embedded structures).

NOTE: If you have two factors, you must choose names starting with different characters, since they'll be abbreviated in some of the tables. Also, factor names may not contain spaces, since this will cause trouble for the R analysis.

After you have decided the factor(s), please also add a very brief description. It will not only help you remember what this list is about, but give an identity to it for further use.

If you use two factors, MiniJudgeJava will not only test if they show main effects, but also if there is an interaction. For example, you would expect the factors AdjunctExtract and CenterEmbed both to show main effects, but you would not expect an interaction (since they presumably involve independent "modules," namely competence vs. performance). By contrast, if your factors were Adjunct and WhMove, you wouldn't expect either to show main effects (since adjunct structures and wh-movement are both grammatical), but they should show an interaction (since wh-movement from adjuncts should be bad, while wh-movement from non-adjuncts should be good).

Enter your factor(s), then click "OK". You should see the sentence list you just create is on the list in "Sentence lists"Double-click it to go "List Management". If you want to reset your factor names, click "Cancel".

Make protosets

Enter prototype items

As with a set of examples in a syntax paper, the prototype items should be matched as much as possible for irrelevant properties like word choice, so that they differ only in terms of the factor(s) that are under investigation.

For example, an sentence set with the factors ComplexNP and WhMove might have the following prototype sentences:

[+ComplexNP, +WhMove] Who did you hear the rumor that Mary kissed?
[+ComplexNP, -WhMove] You heard the rumor that Mary kissed John.
[-ComplexNP, +WhMove] Who did you hear that Mary kissed?
[-ComplexNP, -WhMove] You heard that Mary kissed John.

The above sentence set illustrates how a protoset in MiniJudgeJava should be. To input the above set in MiniJudgeJava, click "Add" in "Prototype sentences". There should be two or four combinations of factor values and the same number of blank areas, each with a factor value. Fill in the corresponding sentence in the blank area and click "OK". Note that for each sentence list, there should be ONLY ONE PROTOSET. If you find your protoset problematic, double-click the column listing the protoset to modify, or one-click it and click "Delete" to delete the existent protoset and start from scratch.


It you are satisfied with the current protoset, you can start to create extra sentence sets. 

Extra sets

Input other sets

MiniJudgeJava have two ways to generate new sentences. By clicking "Add" in "Experimental sentences", you can create a sentence set all by yourself, as what is done in creating the protoset. But in case you are worried about your results being contaminated by unexpected non-structural properties, you can ask MiniJudgeJava to segment the protoset into the largest repeated strings to create structurally identical sentence sets. 

Segment prototype set 

MiniJudgeJava can help you create multiple item sets. This semi-automatic operation takes three steps. First, MiniJudgeJava will split sentences of the protoset into strings. Users then should input the syntactic equivalents of  these strings. Finally, MiniJudgeJava will put these new strings back to the positions of their syntactic equivalents. Since MiniJudgeJava does not know human languages, it might make mistakes. It is thus recommended to double-check the outcome of each step. Also, consulting a thesaurus for syntactic equivalents should make the work a lot easier, see HERE for more information.

To start, click "Replicating sentences from prototypes". You'll see a window including protoset and an option to choose segmentation method. The "English" method is generally applicable to languages using space as word boundary (e.g. English, German, French, etc.), while "Chinese" method is applicable to languages without apparent word boundary (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean). After setting the preferred segmentation method, click "Next"  to proceed. It will take a few seconds for MiniJudge to output word strings.


At this step, MiniJudgeJava automatically segments the protoset into their longest repeating segments to make it easier to replace them systematically when creating additional sentence sets. If you want to force your own segmentation, type "|" inside your sentences. For example, "The | banana is | here" will then be segmented into "the", "banana is", and "here".

For example, given the prototype set below right, MiniJudgeJava extracts the prototype segments below left. These are the largest repeated strings in the prototype sets.

who did
the rumor
that Mary kissed

Who did you hear the rumor that Mary kissed?
You heard the rumor that Mary kissed John.

Who did you hear that Mary kissed?
You heard that Mary kissed John.

Note that whenever you change the output of segmentation, click "segmentation" to apply for changes.

If you are satisfied with the result of segmenation, by clicking "Next", you'll see a new window pop out. In this window, there is a two-column table, with the left column listing strings from the protoset. Fill the blank with the syntactic equivalents of the existent strings. You will see the replacement be applied below as soon as you input the string and press enter.When you are done with all of the replacements, click "Next" to proceed.


Now, you should see a new sentence set whose structrues are identical to the protoset but with different lexical items. You can still modify sentences at this step, but be cautious that any modification at this moment may cause unexpected structural differences that confound with the original design.When you are totally sure that you are done with this set, click "Add more sets" to start to create a new set if you want more, or click "Finish" if you think you have had enough. The ideal number of sentence sets in a sentence list is 5 - 20.

If you click "Finish", you will go back to "List Management" again. This time, you will see the sentence sets you just added, along with protoset, are listed in "Add prototype sentences". If these are all you need for this list, close this window to go back to the main page.

Other managements

Edit/delete existent lists

You can still modify the factor names and/or description to make them more properly describe your sentence sets. Single-click any sentence list then click "Edit" in "Sentence list" to modify these names, then click "OK" to apply for the changes. 

If you find some sentence list flawed or won't be used anymore, you can also choose to delete these sentence lists by clicking "Delete"

Export existent lists

Although MiniJudgeJava will automatically save the sentence lists users create, you still save the lists in separate files for your own record. To do this, click "Export", choose the directory of file and specify the filename, then click "save". There is no default file extention, you can specify the file extention you want (e.g. .txt) by suffixing it to the filename or not specify at all. Either way, you can open the file with basically any kind of text editor. 


 Including fillers or not can be a deliema. Some have been arguing that without using fillers, the purpose of the experiment will become obvious for the participants and they might adopt some judgment strategies in the experiment toward or against such purpose. However, including fillers or not does not make a huge influence in practice. Cowart (1997) reports that including/excluding fillers only results in a shift in the scale, instead of the relative differences among experimental conditions. Thus, whether to follow the standard psycholinguistic parctice to create fillers that are two or three times more than experimental itmes becomes a question.

Since MiniJudgeJava is an implementation of small-scale experimentation, it does not make fillers an essential property in an experiment. You have the right to decide to include fillers or not. In addition, MiniJudgeJava provides a way of speeding up the process of creating fillers. Specifically, MiniJudgeJava allows users to compile a list of various sentences and randomly pool a certain amount of sentences from this list as fillers when setting up an experiments.

To add fillers in your experiment, go to "Filler" page and click "Add", then paste or type your filler sentences in the blank area. Note that filler sentences should be of  various kind, so the filler list should include as many sentences of different structures as possible. 


In the current version of MiniJudgeJava, responses must be binary judgments (see HERE for justification of this limitation). But since MiniJudgeJava allows customized names for response categories, different experiments may name response categories differently. This must be described clearly in the instruction. Also, the instruction should also be modified according to how the experimentors want to run their experiments. Participants may take a pencil-paper test, an on-line survey, or take the experiment under your supervision. The instructions for pencil-paper-styled experiments or on-line experiments should thus be more detailed, while the instruction of experiments run under experimentor's supervision can be complemented with oral description. A sample instruction is avaliable HERE. You can modify it according to the specific requirements of your experiment. 

Note that for the display reason, there are limits on the number of lines and number of letters per line. The instruction should be no more than 18 lines and 120 letters per line, or part of the instruction cannot be seen by the speakers.

Since MiniJudgeJava allows users to save multiple versions of instruction, you can go to "Instructions" page and click "Add" to add a new instruction. You have to give a name to this instruction in  "Title" and type/paste your instruction to "Content" and then click "OK". If everything goes well, you will see the name of this instruction appear on the list in "Instructions" page.


To create and run an experiment with MiniJudgeJava, you have to go to the "Experiments" page to set relevant parameters first. Then you can choose how you are going to distribute each copy of your surveys to speakers. After you have collected a certain number of surveys, you can analyze these surveys to see if your predictions are borne out.

Add/Edit/Delete experiment

The first thing to do is to add an experiment in MiniJudgeJava. To do this, click "Add experiment". MiniJudge will then require set up the following parameters:

Experiment name: Name your experiment in any way you want, except that it shouldn't be repeated with the name of other experiments.
Positive answer:  Name the positive response in your experiment (e.g. acceptable, grammatical, natural, etc.).
Negative naswer:  Name the negative response in your experiment (e.g. unacceptable, ungrammatical, unnatural, etc.).
Select sentence list:  Select a sentence list from existent lists. Sentences in this set will be the experimental sentences of your experiment.
Fillers:  Specify a number, then MiniJudge will randomly draw this number of sentences from filler list as fillers. According to Cowart (1997), the number of fillers should be two times as many as that of experimental sentences.
Number of surveys:  The ideal number will be 10 to 25, and you can choose to add more afterward.
Instruction:  Select an instruction that is proper to your experiment.

Click "OK" to create a new experiment if all parameters are set. Now you should find the experiment you just create on the list in "Experiment lists" section in the upper part of "Experiments". You should also see some properties of this experiment (number of fillers, experimental sentences, surveys, etc.).


Note: Once an experiment has been created, further changes can hardly be made, so make sure you have everything correctly set up. The only changable property of an experiment is its name. If you need to change it (to avoid repetitive names or for better description), select the experiment and click "Edit". If you want to totally abandon an experiment, select the experiment and click "Delete".

By clicking on your experiment on the list, you should see that the "Survey" section below list a certain copies of surveys and some information about them (e.g. state, build date, experiment date, etc.). If you have not run any of them, their state should all be "New". Click on any one of the survey and then click "Survey preview", you will see how the materials are ordered and whether a sentence is filler or not. Sentences in different surveys are ordered randomly. Randomization is only partial to ensure that material types are spread evenly within each survey (click HERE for more on the algorithm used). Randomization and even spread have another benefit, explained HERE.


Run experiment

Now you should have your experiment ready, and you can finally run the experiment! MiniJudgeJava provides three ways of running experiments. The least technical one is to run a paper-pencil test by printing out surveys for speakers to complete. But if you are too lazy to key in data for fruther analysis, you can invite speakers to your place and ask them to make judgments through the built-in tool of MiniJudgeJava. If you have problem meeting speakers in person (e.g. speakers of that language live in a remote country), you can still send them an e-mail  with a link to MiniJudgeJava's online survey system.

Note that there is no rule saying one experiment can only be done in one way, you are free to run an experiment with all of the three ways described above. But be cautious that this is made clear in the instruction so that speakers will not be misled.

Through printed surveys

Select a copy of survey and click "Print" to print it out. After clicking, you should see a new window with survey preview. Each survey should contain instruction, subject number and experimental sentences mixed with fillers (if any). By clicking "Print" again, the printing interface of your printer will appear. Following its instruction, you should be able to have your surveys printed and distribute to your speakers.


Running experiments with printed surveys requires one more step, namely, filling in speakers' judgments. You can click "Fill in judgments" to fill in judgments according to speakers' responses. Once you finish this step, the state of this survey will become "COMPLETED".

Through MiniJudgeJava

You can also invite speakers to your place and run an experiment through MiniJudgeJava. The procedure should be like that of a full-fledged psycholinguistic experiment. By clicking "Run", a box will appear to ask the experimentor to enter an ID for a particular speaker. After that, the experimenter should let the speaker control the pace of the experiment. The speaker should decide when to start the experiment after reading & hearing instruction. After reading the instruction, he/she should start to make judgments one after another until the end of the experiment or he/she decides to quit, but the speakers have to finish judging one sentence before proceeding to another. 


After he/she finishes the experiment, you should click "Save the results" or the results will not be saved. You should make sure the results are saved by checking if the state of this survey has become "COMPLETED".

Through MiniJudgeJava's on-line survey system

Another way for speakers to do your surveys is to invite them to MiniJudgeJava's on-line survey system and finish the surveys on-line. Then you can download their judgments to your computer and analyze the results. Before starting, make sure you have set up the mailing settings and server address correctly, or you will experience difficulties in the following steps.

To send an invitation, choose a survey which is not completed yet and click "E-mail". A new window will pop out. Relevant information, like the password of your e-mail account, the e-mail address of the intended speaker, and the subject of this e-mail should be filled in. The description and link of the survey will also be shown in the area below these information. If you don't see a link starting with "", you have to check if you add "$link" HERE. You can also modify the description of your survey here, but make sure that you give the same information to all of the speakers you invite. If everything is set, click "Send" to send out this survey.


After receiving this e-mail, speakers can link to MiniJudgeJava's on-line survey system and complete a survey only for him/her. The procedure is exactly the same as that of running the survey through MiniJudge except without the supervision of the experimentor and the survey is presented through the speaker's webpage browser. The compatibility of the web-based surveys is attested in Microsoft Internet ExplorerMozilla Firefox,  and Google Chrome, and should be compatible with other browsers.



The data collected with MiniJudgeJava are categorical (binary) and repeated-measures data (i.e. each speaker gives multiple judgments). This type of data requires a highly sophisticated kind of statistics and was hard to implement in previous versions of MiniJudge. However, the complexity has been largely reduced in current version of MiniJudgeJava. The users don't have to open R and paste R commands to R anymore. As long as R is installed, users can have their results analyzed through one click.

 Download surveys (optional)

If you choose to invite some/all of your speakers to MinJudgeJava's on-line survey system to complete surveys, you  have to download the completed surveys before running any statistical analyses. Make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet, then click "Download Surveys", MiniJudgeJava will download the surveys that have been completed by the speakers for you. You'll see a message saying "Download completed." when all of the completed surveys have been downloaded to your computer.

Save Results (optional)

When you have collected a certain amount of judgments , you might want to save these judgments in a separate file for the concern of information security or other softwares to access and analyze the results. To do so, click on the experiment of which you want to save the results, then click the "Save data file" button above. A window should pop out and ask you to specify the location and filename of your result file. Note the result file is saved as a text file, you can open with any word processing software (e.g. WordPad). You can also specify its file extention if necessary.

If you open the result file, you'll see the data are listed in follwoing columns.

Speaker:  A numerical value assigned to each speaker.
Item:  A numerical value assigned to each stimulus.
Set:   A numerical value assigned to each set of stimuli that are minimally different.
Order:   The presentation order of a stimulus in an experimental session
Factor1: The first factor of the experiment, coded with effect coding.
Factor2: The second factor of the experiment, coded with effect coding
Judgment : Judgments from the speakers, where "1" indicates the choice on the positive category, while "0" indicates the choice on the negative category.

Analyze Results
Since you have had the experimental results in hand, the next step is see whether there is any pattern in your results and whether the pattern you found reaches statistical significance.  MiniJudgeJava tests the results with a mixed-effect logistic regression  model (see here for a brief discussion). Though the computation of this statistical model is of high complexiy, it will not bother the users of MiniJudgeJava. After running the analysis, MiniJudgeJava will generate a brief report of statistical results in plain language, along with a graphic illustration that helps clarify the statistical pattern.

The current version of MiniJudgeJava provides two options for statistical analysis. If the "test for satiation" box in R setting is checked, MiniJudgeJava will analyze the effect of  Order in addition to the experimental factors. If the boxed is not checked, then MiniJudgeJava will analyze effects of  the experimental factors only.

To start the analysis, first click on the experiment you want to analyze, then click "Analyze results" button. Normally, the button will become highlighted for a few second, then results of the statistical analysis and figure will be displayed on the screen. If you find that there is  no response for button-clicking, check your  R setting to make sure you have set up the right directories to R.exe and the result folder. After the analysis is done, MiniJudgeJava will generate a brief report of statistical results and a graph illustrating judgment patterns. You can also find these files saved in the result folder you set previously. Also, you will see another file containing details of statistical analysis. To know what exactly it says, check here.

                          Illustrations of judgment trends and brief statistical report (above: no test for satiation, below: including test for satiation)

Version information. MiniJudgeJava 2.0.0 is evolved from MiniJudgeJava 1.0.  It has been totally re-written and adds several new functions: 

The first version of MiniJudge was written in Excel VBA, believe it or not. There is another version of MiniJudge in JavaScript; go to "" to give it a try.

Some users may also be interested in MiniJudgeJava Deluxe. It's just like ordinary MiniJudgeJava, except that it costs US$375 and requires a dongle. Click HERE for information.

Citing MiniJudgeJava:

Myers, James and OmniWise International Incorporation. (2010). MiniJudgeJava (Version 2.0) [Computer software]. Retrieved from

Citing R:

R Development Core Team (2009). R: A language and environment for statistical computing [Computer software]. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0. Retrieved from

Citing lme4 [R package for GLMM]:

Douglas Bates and Martin Maechler (2009). lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using S4 classes [Computer software]. R package version 0.999375-31.

Help pages written by Yuguang Ko (mailto: edk0421 at